ISSN 2686 - 9675 (Print)
ISSN 2782 - 1935 (Online)

К вопросу о преодолении межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции при обучении китайскому языку студентов: лексико-грамматический аспект

II.3 Homographs 同形词tóngxíng cí. To the category of homographs are those words that are identical in graphic terms, but may have a different sound depending on what type they belong to. So, homogrophs differentiate into the following types:

The initial and final are identical, the tonality of the `word` is different. For example:
好看 –hǎokàn — 爱好 – Àihào;
发言 –fāyán — 头发 – tóufǎ;
教书 – jiāoshū — 教学 – jiàoxué.

Against the background of this category of words, a typical intralingual interference arises among students of philologists, which manifests itself in the phonetic plane, i.e. tangling tones. Students do not always have a complete idea that a `word` has two different keys.

3 — 2021
Sayyora A. Nazarova, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies