ISSN 2686 - 9675 (Print)
ISSN 2782 - 1935 (Online)

К вопросу о преодолении межъязыковой и внутриязыковой интерференции при обучении китайскому языку студентов: лексико-грамматический аспект

III. Lexical and grammatical difficulties. III.1. Transpositional words. We believe that difficulties stem from the differences in the lexical and grammatical systems of the Chinese and Uzbek languages. The fact that one `word` belongs to a different grammatical category of words leads to the appearance of interlanguage interference. For example, the `word` “翻译” - “fānyì” - “translate” - “tarjima qilmoq”, “translator” - “tarjimon” simultaneously belongs to two grammatical categories - a verb and a noun. In `total`, in the Chinese language, within the framework of the HSK vocabulary, consisting of 5 thousand words, 569 transposition words are distinguished (Li Shinchun, 2013, p.127). It should be noted that there are several types of transposition in the Chinese language: type noun - verb, verb - noun, adjective - verb, verb - adjective, noun - adjective, noun - counting `word`, adjective - noun, preposition - verb. We illustrate with an example for the type of verb - noun:

他翻译课文–Tā fānyì kèwén – U matnni tarjima qiladi – He will translate the text.
他是翻译 – Tā shì fānyì –U tarjimon – He is a translator.

The category of a `word` - transposition causes difficulties for philology students, and therefore, in the process of improving the foreign language vocabulary of the Chinese language, one should demonstrate by examples how they belong to different grammatical categories.

3 — 2021
Sayyora A. Nazarova, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies