Requirements for the design of articles
1. The content of the article should correspond to the topic of the journal.
2. The article is to be not less than 20 thousand printed characters, including an abstract, keywords, tables, figures, and a bibliographic list.
3. Compliance with high scientific criteria (relevance, scientific novelty, etc.).
4. The article is desirable to use references to publications of the last 10 years. The journal only publishes materials that are not published anywhere else and have not been transferred to other editorial offices. The editorial board (EB) has the right to make minor stylistic and formal corrections to the article without the consent of the author(s). If more serious corrections are needed, the EB confers with the authors on that, or sends the article to the author(s) for revision. The EB does not return manuscripts to the authors.
5. The editorial board accepts articles exclusively in electronic form (Word format, file type .doc, .docx) to the journal's e-mail address:
6.The «УДК» index must be indicated at the beginning of each submitted article. The «УДК» index is determined by the `author` (
7. The abstract in Russian and English should include a description of the main topic, the problems, the goals of the work and its results. It is not recommended to use the text of the article itself. The average volume of the abstract is 150 to 250 words. All key words (5-7 concepts, terms) should be used in the abstract text.
Abstract and `keywords`: Times New Roman font, size 12, line spacing 1.15.
8. The text of the scientific article should be designed on a sheet of A4 format according to ГОСТ 9327-60, book orientation, Times New Roman font, size 14. Line spacing 1.5.
– MS Word format
– Fields: top and bottom – 2 cm, left and right – 2 cm.
– Paragraph indent – 1.25.
– Alignment of the text of the article in width.
The letter spacing – common.
Square brackets – in the Latin keyboard.
Inter-`word` space-in – one character. Spaces are required after all punctuation marks (including ellipsis), in abbreviations “i.e.”, “etc” spaces are not put.
Two consecutive punctuation marks are not separated by a space, for example: M., 1995. In personal names, elements are not separated by spaces, for example: A. S. Pushkin.
The hyphen should be different from the dash, for example: literary and artistic (hyphen), Russian literature of the late XIX – early XX century (dashes with spaces on the left and right, without spaces – in numbers and dates, for example: 1960-1970, p. 52-65.
The presence of hanging articles, prepositions, conjunctions, as well as illogical hyphenations is not allowed.
Quotation marks in the text of the article:
– French («»), inside the quote – German (,,”).
«The novel by I.S. Turgenev ,,Fathers and Sons“ was published in the journal ,,Russian Bulletin“».
– When translating the meaning of a foreign-language `word`, English single ('Marrov') quotation marks are used.
– the English text uses “English double quotes”.
Roman numerals are typed using the Latin keyboard.
When typing, styles are not allowed, and columns are not set.
Spaces between paragraphs are not allowed.
Selections in the text should be made according to the following rules:
bold – for headings, subheadings.
light italics – for short examples.
Literary texts and historical sources must be put in the original language, and the `author` of the translation must be indicated when translating the text.
(Our translation)
The quality of illustrations should be maximum (not less than 600 dpi). The illustrations are attached to the article as a separate `file` in .jpeg format. and they must be signed in Russian and English, indicating the place of the illustration in the article. The captions to the illustrations are duplicated in a separate `file`.
The bibliographic list is made out as follows:
– The list of references (in the center, in bold, without a colon and a period) –
– works should be presented in alphabetical order: first, the literature in Russian is indicated, then - in a foreign language (according to the alphabet of the English language);
– References (in the center, in bold, without a colon and a period) –
– a list of references translated into English (in order according to the list of references).
9. At the end of the article, a brief information about the `author` is provided in Russian and English (12-point, italics):
– last `name`, first `name`, patronymic (in bold),
– scientific degree (if any),
– position, place of work,
– e-mail.
Author of the publication
Ivanov Petr Aleksandrovich –
Doctor of Philology, Professor
Kazan Federal University
Kazan, Russia