ISSN 2686 - 9675 (Print)
ISSN 2782 - 1935 (Online)

Художественное оформление "Кала" в Чампе (Решения по привлечению посетителей к объектам древнего искусства Вьетнама)

  1. Conclusion

Ancient art is seen as a historical witness to the vicissitudes of social and cultural periods, many of which have become heritage. Cultural heritage is essential in education and building a proud foundation of national traditions for the next generation, and at the same time, paves way for locals to connect and be seen internationally. This sets the founding conditions to improve social life in the locality through tourism activities, sightseeing, research...

The result of modern technology is the recreation of the prideful cultural symbol of a nation's sculpture so that people can envisage the long history of an ancient kingdom, vividly recreating the stories of the past. It is not simply a sole device, nor just a mindless connected software, but also a capsule entailing priceless artistic assets, recording the traces of a unique civilization that once resonated in time. When looking at the temples, the decorative sculptures of the ancient Champa people, whether directly or indirectly, its beauty can be felt as both contemplative and mysterious, from the soaring and systemised circuit of decorative motifs, from the baked bricks of the earth that the artisans of the Champa kingdom have built, to the monumental and dignified architectural works, moulding the gods into vivid and expressive work of sculpture art.

3 — 2023
Фан Куог Ань, Университет Ван Ланга, Хошимин, Вьетнам