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Происхождение слова «Нукус»
Due to our Independence, the science of history has moved to another stage of Independence. Everyone remember that together with the first president of Republic of Uzbekistan, I.A.Karimov in 1992 was the 60th anniversary of the capital of Nukus city and the 70th anniversary in 2002 was a great holiday for the people of Karakalpakstan. During this holiday lots of good studies, memories of good people, different stories and tales about the name, history of the capital city and another information that belong to Karakalpak nation were published in Republic printing.
Everyone knows that there are lots of assumption about the word “Nukus”, “Nukus uriw” and the name of Nukus city. “You can find a lot of interesting information in “Seven bird” story which published in Republic printing. Let’s give an attention to this story, “The first grandpa of Karakalpak nation’s Qara khan didn’t forget to give special birds to his each son. Qara khan gave to Muyten-Iytelgi, Qon’irat- Lashin, Qitay-Qarshig’a, Qipshaq-eagle, Kaneges- Sunqar, Mangit-Tuygin. The leading bird was considered Light bird”[1.5-b].
So “kiyeli” bird country” (related to Nukus toponymy) was called “Kaknus” in Arabic world” (“Haqqus” in Karakalpaks poets’ works). This is a divine creature that does not burn, and does not die when it sinks to water. So Finiks is an eternity bird. From studying well , we know that this Finiks word was taken from North languages. Especially, its consonant looks like to Karakalpak language. So, Finiks in our language “paniy qus” and means eternity, forever bird. “Paniy” is a religious conception, and it is called “Faniy” in Arabic language. Ansolutely, this word is taken from Turkish languages. And the “Bird” word has been keeping its name still in Karakalpak language. This bird has another name in Karakalpak language. It is Light bird.
This Light bird was created from light. Light bird — people’s protector. It is said that while Humo bird means happiness and wealth, Light bird means wealth, eternity and all beings. Also it is said that from the ancient time Nukus city was a bird market. Today’s Bird room-Qizketken was always bird location. Apart from this, last century bird carved plate was found from “Ku’yik” Fortress. Some experts say that this bird is “Humo bird”. Maybe this bird is not Humo bird, but it may be Light bird. The author suppose that firstly the words Nuwkas, Nawkas and Nixan originated from Light bird. Apart from this, there is given Aral sea and its map in one article which was printed in 1863. We read Light bird on the place of Nukus in the map. But, the author did not give enough information where this article printed. We can’t assume that it is original or fake variant. We must take into account that each author can give their own opinion, idea and solution. In addition to this, author mentioned that some “Uriw” lived in this place, there were a lot of lakes and because of the bird which mentioned above lived in this place the name of Nukus was originated from “Nuw Bird” (Lots of Bird) name. This always remains as a legend. Of course, it is not necessary to tell all of these legends and their meaning. These legends that related to the name of Nukus may wake up pupils and audiences feeling of trust. And it is truth that birds can be meet in the forest and along the lakes. For example, there were lots of lake like Ko’kshiyel, Nag’alay, Koltiqko’l, Dawitko’l, Qazanketken, Aspantay in the south-west side of Kegeyli and these were near to Porlitaw and Birdhouse mountain in 1960 years. One of these mountain still called Birdhouse because of living lots of birds there.
Begzad Erxanov, Minsizbay Seytimbetov, Faculty of history, Karakalpak State University named after Berdakh