ISSN 2686 - 9675 (Print)
ISSN 2782 - 1935 (Online)

The role and impact of Chinese organized crime on security in the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of little-studied, and at the same time, extremely relevant - the activities of transnational criminal groups of China in the countries of Northeast Asia and in the Russian Far East. As well as the impact that this activity has on regional security in Northeast Asia, as well as at the national level of China and Russia. The phenomenon of organized crime and transnational crime is not fundamentally new. However, with the onset of modern globalization processes, it has acquired previously unprecedented scales, forms, and consequences. Globalization has led not only to positive developments, open markets and the emergence of a large number of opportunities, but also to a number of negative aspects. Illegal formations received a huge number of opportunities for development and growth. And this has found a very serious reflection in the state of security of individual countries, as well as with access to the regional and global level. Within the framework of this article, a comparative method was used, which made it possible to compare the situation in China and the Russian Far East, as well as the role and influence of organized criminal groups in different countries on the overall situation and security. In addition, the method of logical analysis was used, which made it possible to analyze ambiguous, contradictory processes, in particular, on the territory of Japan. As well as the historical-genetic method, which made it possible to trace the origins of modern processes in this area.

Keywords: China, transnational crime, regional security, Northeast Asia, Russian Far East

For citation: Gamerman E.V. The role and impact of Chinese organized crime on security in the Russian Far East and Northeast Asia. Modern Oriental Studies. 2022; 4 (4). P. (In Russ.)

4 — 2022
Evgenii V. Gamerman, Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of Regional Problems, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Blagoveshchensk