ISSN 2686 - 9675 (Print)
ISSN 2782 - 1935 (Online)

Type of translation shift and Classification items for comparing translations (when translating literary works)

Abstract. The purpose of this article is to study the syntactic transformation between the source language and the translated language in the translation of literary works. The relevance of the work is to compare translations, in order to facilitate the understanding of their theory, with respect to the types of translation that are standard norms, by clarifying their concepts. The study of variational types of translation and syntactic aspects can be applied and used not only in the field of translation, but also in the field of linguistics, and when using comparative-contrastive linguistics. In the first part of this article we will consider the variability of translation through the works of D.K. Catford on «translational shift» and «translation concept» (1965), L.S. Barkhudarov and V.N. Komissarov on «translation transformation» (1975, 1990), A.D. Schweitzer on «grammatical transformation» (1988), and also by E.K. Khabibullina on «language transformation» (2016). The second part will reveal the rules of translation regarding the «theory of comparative literature», which have had the greatest impact, and the study of translation options by Russian linguists. In the third part, there is a discussion of the features when comparing translations that should be established for comparing syntactic transformation in literary works.

Keywords: translation studies, syntactic transformation, grammatical transformation, translational shift, comparative stylistics, Korean language, translation norm

For citation: Ju Sun Mean. Type of translation shift and Classification items for comparing translations (when translating literary works). Modern oriental studies. 2022; 4(3). P.

3 — 2022
Ju Sun Mean, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan