ISSN 2686 - 9675 (Print)
ISSN 2782 - 1935 (Online)

Book review: Ban Gu. Han shu ("The Book of Han"): in 8 volumes / Ban Gu; translated from Chinese by V.V. Bashkeev; edited by M.Yu. Ulyanov; commentary, introductory articles and applications by V.V. Bashkeeva, M. Yu. Ulyanov. - M .: Science - Vo

For citation: Martynov D. E., Martynova Yu. A. Book review: Ban Gu. Han shu ("The Book of Han"): in 8 volumes / Ban Gu; translated from Chinese by V.V. Bashkeev; edited by M.Yu. Ulyanov; commentary, introductory articles and applications by V.V. Bashkeeva, M. Yu. Ulyanov. - M .: Science - Vost. lit., 2021. (Monuments of writing of the East; CLVI, 1). - T. 1: Di ji ("Chronicles of the reign of emperors"). Ch. 1-6. - 470 p. - ISBN 978-5-02-039875-7. 300 copies // Modern oriental studies. 2022. № 1, P. (in Russ.)

1 — 2022
Martynov D.E., Martynova Yu.A.